All programmes start with an exploration call this will enable both of us to build trust with each other, and for you to know that in making that call, you are ready to make the changes you want. At this point, we will set up a suitable time for your first session.
Sanotherapy is a therapeutic method merging science, psychology, philosophy, hypnotherapy and other therapeutic processes to work with the mind at a deeper more connected level than many other therapies. This deep connection enables faster results for clients and more easily too. We won’t ask you to bare your soul or go on and on about how you feel and why that is. We help you get to the root of your problem, even if you don’t know what that is. The link between the cause and the symptoms is removed and you can become pain-free and gain clarity.
We use the power of your unconscious mind and meditate with the unconscious mind to create rapid results safely and comfortably. You will be relaxed, but you will not necessarily be under in a normal way you would expect with hypnotherapy. You are safe, calm and in control. You will be amazed at the response your unconscious mind will create for your transformation. We refer to this as Mind Mediation and not Hypnotherapy. We can create effective results rapidly. Mind Meditation and Rapid Pain Elimination Therapy has been referred to as the 'Big Brother of Hypnotherapy' and unlike full Hypnotherapy, you will not always be in a very deep trance. Like Hypnotherapy, you will always be in control and create rapid results to create clarity and freedom from your anxiety, stress or addictions.