
When I came for my session, I was really nervous but you had me relaxing within 5 minutes and I felt totally at ease.


Hello Kevin, it will be 9 weeks tomorrow when you changed my life for the better with hypnosis for stopping smoking and I can't thank you enough. When I came for my session, I was really nervous but you had me relaxing within 5 minutes and I felt totally at ease. As I explained to you I wanted to stop smoking for health reasons and also the expense of buying cigarettes. I came to you with a terrible smokers cough and within 3 days of quitting, my cough had stopped. I also suffered with constant headaches and sinusitis which also affected my ears but now that has all cleared up. At the time I must admit that I thought your services were quite expensive but when i worked out how much I spent on cigarettes I'd actually paid this back in a month and with the money I'm now saving and am on my way to booking another holiday! As you will remember I told you that I was desperate to stop smoking and you were my last chance to do it as I'd already tried with patches, Nicorette chewing gum, vaporisers, chews and anything else that was bought over the counter but nothing worked. Therefore, I would recommend you to anyone who wants to stop smoking and you have, once again my heartfelt admiration and gratitude.

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